What do libraries have to do with spring break? Nothing really. But I find I have a zillion (okay, maybe three) would-be blog posts about libraries AND, because it's spring break, time to write them. Like chocolate and peanut butter I tell you.
Last week, I attended a fundraising gala for King County Libraries. More about them in my next post on libraries. (You can hardly wait I know.) For this gala, I bought high heels AND mascara AND eye shadow just like an actual female adult. Incredible! It's a good thing I did too because while I was at my assigned table signing my books and chatting with readers, Nancy Pearl (!!!) (!!!) came up to HUG me because, she explained, though we'd never met she felt like she knew me because she read my book and thought it was "wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully" written. She even tweeted this impression Monday morning: “Don't miss Laurie Frankel's The Atlas of Love; this story of women's friendships and redefining 'family' flows with lovely writing.” If you can think of something cooler than that, please post it in the comments section, but know that the bar in this case is high indeed.
It is high because Nancy Pearl is just that cool. And she's a librarian. I assume that the stereotype of librarians as uncool has gone the way of, uh, libraries. That is, libraries have gotten pretty cool of late. At least in my part of the world. Here in Seattle, the branch libraries are plentiful with interesting architecture and inviting spaces, and the central library was designed by a world-famous architect and is one of the coolest buildings in the city by any definition. Check out the google image search. So I have to think as library cred goes up, so does librarian cred? I have been meeting lots of lovely -- and cool -- librarians on this journey.
All that said, once you get made into an action figure -- and become the go-to book recommender for NPR -- I think you have cool pretty much cornered.
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